Liberal Lawmakers Expose Their Ignorance Of Basic Political Philosophy

Robert Pickup Jr
2 min readFeb 5, 2022

Rep. Lauren Boebert continues to expose liberals as being incredibly ignorant of what conservatives actually believe. On Thursday she tweeted “The Constitution is not evolving, to say that spits in the face of every single one of our founders.” This led several high profile Democrat lawmakers to take advantage of this “gotcha” moment. Or so they thought.

The Constitution is not evolving.

To say that spits in the face of every single one of our founders.

- Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) February 2, 2022

The HuffPost helpfully compiled liberal lawmakers “correcting” Boebert, including Rep. Eric Swalwell.

If this was true, she wouldn’t be able to vote.

- Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) February 3, 2022 The Chinese spy compromised Dem responded by saying “If this was true, she wouldn't be able to vote.” It is also true to say that if literacy tests were still required to vote Eric would not be able to

Rep. Boebert, was not referring to the Amendment process when she said that the Constitution is not evolving. In fact as a conservative she believes that this is the only way the constitution should be changed. There is even a conservative backed movement to amend the constitution called The Convention of States Action.

The evolution of the constitution to which Boebert is against is from judicial activism. If her liberal detractors were actually aware of what conservatives believe they would have realized this. The timing of her tweet was not an accident. With the retirement of Justice Breyer announced just days earlier the specter of a Biden Supreme Court pick reignited the debate on judicial philosophy.

Democrats believe in an evolving constitution which changes mostly through the courts. Liberal judges follow a “ living document” philosophy which led to decisions like Griswold v. Connecticut affirming a “right to privacy” which appears nowhere in the Constitutions text. Conservatives believe, for the most part, in originalism, where judges should only make decisions based on the text of the laws and constitution and not on penumbras, formed by emanations.

Instead of owning Boebert on Twitter, these liberal lawmakers showed that they are completely ignorant of the political philosophy of their opponents. In a just world these fools would be run out of town for so basic a failing. Alas, being liberal means never having to be exposed to ideas other than their own from kindergarten all the way through their college years.

That’s OK though because when they show their ignorance on social media they are cheered and reinforced by the legions of ignorant buffoons who make up their base.

Originally published at on February 5, 2022.



Robert Pickup Jr

I am a Constitutional Conservative who is passionate about combating the corporate media’s narratives.